What is Spiritual Direction?

On any given day, we find ourselves in the midst of the tension of our broken or busy realities held against the hope of full restoration to come. What if here, in these everyday human moments, we could learn to encounter the most beautiful echoes of the present God dwelling with us?

Discovering these divine echoes in the middle of our day-to-day life can sometime be difficult to do alone. We need help to discern where God might be inviting us to deeper redemptive work. 

Every part of our story, all the joys and sorrows, all the questions and longings are doorways into the Divine. The sacred intersects with the ordinary at every turn.
— Miska Collier

Spiritual direction is the practice of learning to hear and be present to God’s movement and work in our everyday life. A spiritual director is one who comes alongside, inviting us to come away for a bit, and listens with sacred curiosity to us and the Holy Spirit, as we explore our narrative and the questions that may arise. Through this practice, we learn to be more present to the quiet movement of God in our life, while also growing to rest more completely in our identity as the Beloved.

What you can expect from me:

  • A quiet, safe and prayerful place to meet

  • My attentive, listening presence

  • A focus on learning to be with Jesus

  • Help in noticing and responding to God’s voice and presence in your life

  • Encouragement, affirmation, and challenge without advice-giving or problem-solving

  • My commitment to pray with and for you

What I expect from you:

  • Your desire to pay attention to God in your life

  • Commitment to some form of regular prayer and reflection

  • Availability to meet for 3 months at which time either of us is free to extend or end our time


Spiritual Direction is based on a fundamental Christian premise that each human being is a unique expression of the Divine and that each person is called, in their own particular way, to unfold and reveal the sacred, inner reality, through day-to-day life.”
— Walter Burghardt

Q & A


Sessions are usually one hour in length, and take place every 2-4 weeks.

We commit to begin and end our sessions on time. If you must reschedule or cancel an appointment, please do so a full 24-hours prior to the session.


The fee for each hour session is on a sliding scale of $75-$90, which a directee is expected to pay once their invoice is received from Anam Cara, following the session. If financial assistance is needed, please contact Rachel to discuss other options.

There is no charge for the first visit or consult. This gives us a chance to discern if a spiritual direction relationship together is a good next step.



Spiritual Direction is 100% confidential within legal limitations. I will not reveal the content of our conversations unless I am required to do so by law or court order. However, you as the directee may share the experience as you desire.


As part of ongoing certification standards, I am receiving regular individual supervision as well as regular peer supervision. Your identity will never be revealed during this time. If you have any questions or concerns about this practice, please let me know and I will be happy to talk about it with you.

What Spiritual Direction is Not

Although you may discuss psychological, relation, and financial difficulties in the context of spiritual direction, be advised that I am not a psychotherapist, family counselor, or financial advisor and cannot and will not act as a practitioner in any of these areas. Any actions of decision you may take in those areas are purely your responsibility. While our sessions are not counseling or therapy, healing may occur during our sessions together.


I offer in-person sessions in the Denver, CO area as well as online session via Zoom.